
Fay Lovsky
Palmtree luxury

Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury
Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury
In all the ads of Acapulco, daredevil divers go for

Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury
Pictures of Italy show, latin love's still alive and all that

Palmtree luxury, take me there
Palmtree luxury, waving against the blue sky

If you have the money, if you have the time
Wine and dine, and pay no mind
To what goes on behind all that

Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury 
waving against the blue sky
Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury

In silence here I sit, and watch the flags tug at their poles
While palmtrees on a distant beach
Throw shadows on those who came for
Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury 
waving against the blue sky
Palmtree luxury, palmtree luxury …